Welcome to SolJoy with Anna Choi!

Who is Anna Choi?

Anna Choi, Founder of SolJoy.Life, Energy Master, Black Belt, Forbes Author, and 2x TEDx Speaker, serves high achieving, mindful entrepreneurs feel more joy, vitality, and aliveness so they can anchor love as a new dimension on the planet for global enlightenment.

Trained by living, enlightened energy masters, Ilchi Lee and H.H. Sai Maa, Anna distills ancient wisdom and healing moving meditations into modern day mindfulness practices serving thousands of students to elevate humanity's consciousness together and embody their soul’s highest expression to lead a new era of humanity now.

Anna trains and guides global leaders 1:1 who want to self actualize, including 7 figure CEO’s, platinum record performance artists, Harvard neuroscientists and attorneys, TV stars, and former NFL athletes. 

A Korean American social entrepreneur, Anna founded the Conscious Leadership Foundation funding educator and community leader scholarships in mindfulness, emotional resilience, and wellbeing training for students. 

She has a 12 year old son, with her college sweetheart of 20 years where they live in Poulsbo, WA. In her free time, Anna loves singing, songwriting, dancing, & cooking plant based meals.

What is SolJoy with Anna?

Soljoy with Anna Choi is an about twice a month Tuesday newsletter publication of nourishing insights to touch your soul into inspired action so you embody your soul’s joyful expression.

It’s a platform for not just learning more on health, wellness, meditation, movement, mindfulness, martial arts, music, and other energy mastery practices. But sharing best practices, celebrations, and challenges inside a community.

Why start SolJoy with Anna?

I started this newsletter to heal yourself (mind, body, heart, and soul), access your inner wisdom, learn how to express your soul’s joy, shine your light bright, and be a space for us to rise together to embody a new humanity.

PLUS, enjoy sneak peak excerpts of my new upcoming book to release in the next year or so.

Why Subscribe to SolJoy with Anna?

As a reader-supported publication, we can’t exist without the community. There’s no ads or sponsorship deals, so you’re allowing me to study, research, write, and report quality content that’s relevant.

Also, you’ll be part of something bigger. More than a newsletter, paid subscribers are a real, active community of mindful entrepreneurs who want to connect over real life topics in a safe space.

Think of this as a weekly meetup with kindred spirits. No interruptions, hawking advice, or interjecting opinions. Just pure active, non judgmental listening fostering deeper connection, transformative conversation, and an ego transcending experiences.

Be amazed by what inner wisdom tumbles out your mouth inside that pure listening.

Who’s the Community?

We are a community of high achieving, soulful, mindful, entrepreneurial humans who:

  • Share a vision of elevating humanity’s consciousness for a new humanity now

  • Believe world peace starts with inner peace and ready to take conscious action

  • Have the hunger and fortitude to face the shadow and do the real inner work required to anchor a new dimension of love on the planet

We are constantly doing the inner work to make big impact, inspire our people, and live a life true to ourselves. We don’t “spiritually bypass” (denial of anything negative existing) or give up hope feeling helpless anything is to be done in elevating humanity’s consciousness. We are here to embody our light we wish to see in this world.

What do Paid Subscribers receive?

  • Weekly Zoom Gatherings: Enjoy meditation, movement, and delicious, soul nourishing conversations on themes like Relationships, Enlightenment, Money, Sex, Intimacy, Friendship, Digital Detoxing, or Parenting.

  • Monthly Qigong Tai Chi Yoga live class online to heal and recover your body, stay limber and flexible, and enhance your health and wellbeing

  • Access to our community chat and full archive of posts to ask questions and engage directly with me and the community to discuss topics more whole hearted meaningful way.

If you want to subscribe, simply email me anna@soljoy.life and I’ll add you to the list on a pay-what-you-can donation basis. No questions asked.

What do Founding Members receive?

  • 1 Year Access to the Ignite 40 Day Program that includes:

    • 2 1:1 Energy Sessions with Anna

    • 3 live online Qigong classes led by Anna to detox the gut, activate core power, and clear the mind to embody your soul

    • 5 Weekly Q&A Community Coaching calls

    • Lifetime access to the 5 module video training course

  • Weekly Virtual Energy Activations from Anna for your life area of choice

  • Plus extra TLC and appreciation from Anna as a partner in this new humanity

Ask us about partial scholarships by emailing support@soljoy.life “scholarship”.

Thanks again for considering being a paid subscriber. I have no ads, no sponsors, so my work is truly supported by you.

About Anna Choi

Anna Choi, Energy Master, Taekwondo Black Belt, and Founder of SolJoy.Life trains high achieving, mindful entrepreneurs, influencers, athletes, and performance artists to have more energy so they can more fully unleash their soul’s expression in the world. 

Trained by two enlightened energy masters, her approach blends ancient wisdom, healing martial arts, and mindfulness as a 2x TEDx Speaker, Forbes Author, and Performing Artist serving thousands of students and renowned global leaders to experience more inner joy, peace, and aliveness. 

Her proudest accomplishment is water birthing her son (no drugs!) who’s a 6th grader in middle school. She's married to her best friend, who have been sweethearts 20 years. They live with their cat Max in Poulsbo, WA. Learn more at www.soljoy.life.

If you’re on the socials, follow me on:

YouTube: EnergyTV

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Insight Timer

Subscribe to SolJoy with Anna Choi

Receive 2x/mon to your inbox nourishing insights on greater health, happiness, & peace for high achieving, mindful entrepreneurs & leaders. Somatic mindfulness focus where movement, meditation, and music meet from the heart of an Energy Master's journey.


Anna Choi, Energy Master, serves soulpreneurs to catalyze a new humanity now. She blends ancient wisdom, healing martial arts, and moving meditations to cause a tipping point in elevating global consciousness. Learn more at www.soljoy.life.